Our Purpose

To be a responsible owner of commercial real estate, helping our occupiers succeed and being valued by all our stakeholders.

Our Strategy

Through our occupier focused, opportunity led approach, we aim to be one of the consistently best performing diversified UK REITs. In order to deliver on our purpose, we have in place three distinct strategic pillars: Portfolio Performance, Operational Excellence and Acting Responsibly. These pillars include a range of strategic priorities which guide the direction of our business and are regularly reviewed. This year we have added two further priorities within Acting Responsibly. Progress against our strategic priorities is set out in the Chief Executive’s Review.

Sustainable thinking, and responsible business

Sustainability is embedded into all of our activities. A responsible and ethical approach to business is essential for the benefit of all our stakeholders and understanding the long-term impact of our decisions will help us to manage risk and continue to generate value.

Portfolio Performance

  1. Manage the portfolio to provide income and capital growth
  2. Grow occupancy and income profile
  3. Enhance asset quality and create space that meets evolving occupier expectations
  4. Outperform the MSCI UK Quarterly Property Index

Operational Excellence

  1. Run an efficient and innovative operating platform
  2. Adapt to market trends with an agile and flexible business model
  3. Deliver earnings growth
  4. Maintain appropriate capital structure for the market cycle
  5. Pursue opportunities for growth to deliver economies of scale

Acting Responsibly

  1. Reduce our emissions to become net zero carbon by 2040
  2. Actively engage with our occupiers, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders
  3. Promote our company values, nurture a positive working culture, and alignment of the team
  4. Ensure the long-term success of the business with strong governance and transparent reporting