Financial Highlights 2024

EPRA earnings £22m£21m£21m
EPRA earnings per share  4.0p3.9p3.9p
Net assets £524m£548m£657m
Dividends paid per share 3.5p3.5p3.4p
Dividend cover 114%112%115%
Property valuation £745m£766m£849m

Robust financial performance

  • EPRA earnings of £22 million
  • Net assets of £524 million, or 96p per share
  • Dividends paid of £19 million, 4% higher than preceding year
  • Dividend cover of 114%

Outperforming property portfolio with improving income and reversionary potential

  • Continued MSCI outperformance for 11 consecutive years with a total property return of 1.6% for the year
  • Delivered upper quartile outperformance against the MSCI UK Quarterly Property Index over three, five and ten years, and since launch in 2005
  • Repositioned portfolio to reduce office exposure with two office assets held for sale at year end
  • Capturing rental growth through:
    • 26 lettings, 3% ahead of March 2023 ERV
    • 31 lease renewals or regears, 2% ahead of March 2023 ERV
    • 13 rent reviews, 2% ahead of March 2023 ERV
  • Rent collection over 99% for the year
  • Stable occupancy of 91%
  • Portfolio with significant reversionary potential of £12.8 million, 29% above the March 2024 passing rent

Valuable long-term debt structure

  • Loan to value of 28%
  • Weighted average interest rate of 3.9%
  • 93% of drawn borrowings fixed with 2031/32 maturities
  • EPRA NDV of 101 pence per share reflecting fair value of debt

Continued sustainability progress towards net zero targets

  • Improvement in portfolio EPC ratings, with 80% now rated A-C (2023:76%)
  • Reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 16% compared to the 2019 baseline
  • £4.5 million invested into upgrading over 20 assets
  • 99% of leases completed during the year contained green clauses
  • Increase in solar capacity of 184% compared to 2023