Sustainable thinking, responsible business

During the year we have continued to make progress on our sustainability priorities.

We have significantly increased our on-site renewable capacity, and reduced our like-for-like Scope 1 emissions and also continued our policy of occupier engagement.

Our Sustainability Data Performance Report included disclosures which are third party assured. We report our emissions data by calendar year.

Highlights of the year

Environmental focus

  • 16% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2019 baseline
  • 18% reduction in Scope 1 energy intensity compared to 2019 baseline
  • 53% reduction in Scope 2 energy intensity compared to 2019 baseline
  • 57 leases completed containing green lease clauses
  • Progressed decarbonisation strategy across the portfolio
  • Increased solar capacity by 184% with installation of solar arrays on five assets
  • 80% improved portfolio EPC ratings, ranked A-C

Stakeholder engagement

  • Carried out annual occupier surveys at industrial and office assets
  • 91% of occupiers would recommend us as a landlord (2023:85%)
  • Developed our occupier engagement strategy and launched our occupier app across eight multi-let office buildings
  • Carried out annual employee engagement survey with an improved overall employee satisfaction score of 86% (2023:82%)
  • £25,000 charitable donations, supporting 15 charities

Governance and advocacy

  • Maintained EPRA Gold awards for both Annual Report and sustainability reporting
  • Maintained our GRESB rating three Green star status
  • Third party assurance of GRESB data submission
  • Reported in line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
  • Reviewed and updated our Sustainability Policy
  • Published Biodiversity Policy